برای حل جدول انگلیسی – فارسی دقت کنید که سؤالها انگلیسی است؛ اما شما باید پاسخ آنها را به فارسی در خانههای جدول قرار دهید.
1. a place for swimming / pool / pond.
2. sleeping or being still and quiet / rest / repose.
3. dart / shaft / arrow.
4. a thing that you sleep / bed.
5. date / history.
6. go from one place to another / travel.
7. one of two equal parts of something / half.
8.number 18.
9. letter.
10. saying goodbye / fare well.
11. able to move easily from place to place / mobile.
12. a person whose job is to stop fires / fireman.
13. ice / very cold.
14. yes.
15. a big animal that can carry people / horse.
16. tired / fatigued.
17. one sound in music / note.
18.to cook.
19. table / desk.
20.wet / not dry.
21. swimming / natation.
23.a place where doctors look after people who are ill or hurt / hospital.
24. size / height.
25. happy / glad.
26.to hear / to listen.
27. sales person / seller / vendor.
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