1. a person who is buying things.

2. a place where doctors and nursess look after people who are ill or hurt.

3. a place where you buy a meal and eat it.

4. move from one place to another.

5. land and buildings where people keep animals and grow crops.

6. a person who follows the religion of islam.

7. more than one person. mankind.

8. find or learn something for the first time.

9. a table with drawers, where you sit to write or work.

10. me and you.

11. a hard round fruit. pome.

12. a large metal thing, that you get for winning in a sport.

13. hello!

14. no old.

15. speak to somebody.

16. a country in the Africa continent.

17. ordinarily.

18. machin. automobile.

19. one of the political parties.

20. a lot. many. plenty.

21. a book of maps.

22. careful and complete.